Sharron | Consultant Pharmacist Is an award winning prescribing consultant pharmacist. Harley Street trained, and has a 30 year history of specialist clinical work for the NHS in leading roles both within a teaching hospital environment and within NHS England. She has a decade working in aesthetics. She has published widely on the care of patients on anticoagulation in aesthetics and managing your skin through the menopause. She is passionate about you achieving your goals safely through robustly tested treatments and products.

Mica | Advanced Skin Practitioner has over 15 years of experience in advanced skin treatments. She trained in South Africa and holds international qualifications. She worked for a decade at a leading 5-star hotel learning a variety of massage techniques mastered over years of training which she brings to all of her treatments.  Mica had her own skin struggles with acne over the years and feels passionately about giving people back their confidence through advanced treatments and targeted skincare

Sascha | Registered Specialist Clinical Dietician. has over 20 years of clinical experience and has worked with more than 20 000 patients. She holds an MSc in advanced Dietetic Practice and a BSc in nutrition and food science. She uses a personalised approach with bespoke plans that are tailored to your unique nutritional and social needs.


Anita | Clinic co—Ordinator, happy to be here to help you get booked in and sort all your day to day clinic needs! After a career working as a GP practice manager I now work more flexibly around my 2 young children

Dr. Chris | Medical Doctor and Teoxane Country Wide Expert. Chris is a full time aesthetics doctor with over 10 years of experience in this field. He is an international trainer for Derma Medical, a Teoxane faculty country expert and has been published many times in Aesthetic Medicine and Plastic Surgery Journals

Clare | Fitness Coach, is a highly skilled personal trainer. She has decades of experience in the industry. Known for her motivational coaching style and her ability to inspire clients. Clare is dedicated to empowering others to lead healthier and happier lives.