Why a 360 degree approach to Skin Rejuvenation Is The ONLY Way!

How to maintain long-term results with a 360-degree approach to skin health 


One of my key philosophies at The Secret Garden clinic is taking a holistic, 360-degree approach to skin health. It underpins everything we do, and it all starts with skincare. 


While we offer many transformative in-clinic treatments such as HIFU, laser skin resurfacing, micro-needling, peels and injectables, I recommend that everyone starts with skincare – and there’s a good reason for that. If you don’t have a good starting point, none of the other treatments will be as impactful, and your results will not last as long.  Plus you may need to have far more treatments than you need, costing you more overall and adding an unnecessary although minimal risk


Our skin is our largest organ. Its health and radiance not only directly impact the results of other treatments we do, but getting your skin functioning optimally is good for your overall wellbeing too. 


Radiant, glowing skin is a sign of good health and youth, and it’s incredible what impact moving onto a consistent medical-grade skincare regime can make to your skin. But it’s not a quick fix. 


Are you ready to enter into a committed relationship with your skin? 


Skincare is a long-term commitment if you want long-term results and keep your skin functioning and looking well. 


A 360-degree approach is vital because, like all aspects of health and wellbeing, your ability to achieve your goals successfully relies on consistency. In this case, putting the right scientifically-tested ingredients onto your skin. 


Without that as the foundation, you will struggle to get the results you want, but you will also struggle to sustain those results long term. 


Think of it like a health and fitness regime. If I go and have a personal training session once a week, it’s not going to make me fit and healthy, and it’s not going to make me stay slim, but if I look at my diet at the same time and I look at doing little bits of exercise at home, suddenly those personal training sessions really pay much bigger dividends. The personal training sessions are like professional skincare treatments, and the diet and home exercise is your regular skincare routine. This holistic approach is much more sustainable and will yield longer-lasting results. 


It is never too early or too late to start making your skin a priority, and building a basic skincare routine is step one. We can always adjust and evolve it slowly as time goes on to fit your goals, needs and age. 


Investing in your skin health is one of the best decisions you will make if you want to look and feel like the best version of yourself. 


When you come to us, you will get a bespoke tailored treatment plan which will give you results encompassing skincare only; skincare and treatments or skincare plus treatments and injectables. It’s a long term curated, tailored programme that will provide you with the optimal results, and that’s why this 360-degree approach matters because it is all about the results. 


We can help you maintain vibrant, healthy skin year-round. It is the foundation of everything we do. Skin health is a journey, and we are here to drive you safely towards your destination. 


For a free copy of our Secret Garden Guide to Skin Health, email sharron@thesecretgardenwinchester.co.uk


If you want a personally tailored skincare programme and support to help you achieve your best skin, give us a call on 01962 277 007 and book yourself a consultation. You can also book online https://thesecretgardenwinchester.co.uk/book-now


Sharron x

Sharron Gordon