Laser Skin Treatments FAQs


Laser Skin Treatments FAQs

Who is suitable for laser skin resurfacing or Laser skin rejuvenation?  What sort of skin or which skin conditions are best treated? 

This treatment is perfect if you are looking for a quick refresh to your skin. The people that get the most dramatic results are people who suffer with heavy pigmentation, rosacea, broken veins across their cheeks/ nose or sun damage skin which has become crapey and loose.

This treatment will lift the pigment really quickly, break the veins down and they will then disappear. What you will then see a fresher, more evenly toned completion.


How Does The Laser Work?

Nd YAG Treatments - This produces a very focused beam of energy which works very effectively on blemishes in the skin particularly broken veins around the nose and leg blood vessels. The treatment is very comfortable, the equipment blows cold air so there isn’t much heat or sensation to having a treatment with the YAG laser.

Laser Skin Resurfacing -  The equipment has a roller on the end which rolls over the skin putting down little columns of heat into the skin and those columns of heat tell the skin that it’s damaged and force it to rebuild itself, also working to damage the pigmentation and even out the skin tone.

This is the deepest of the treatments we do with the laser, this non ablative laser skin resurfacing really targets pigment and texture. Research shows this treatment moves back a number of years in the skins appearance by about 5 year each treatment so the results are really dramatic providing smaller pores, clearer skin and a brighter more radiant complexion.

IPL – This provides diffuse heat energy to the skin to boost collagen and target pigment and veins.  It is used in combination with many of out NdYAG treatments and Laser skin resurfacing


Do Laser Skin Treatments hurt?

There is minimal to no discomfort.  The sensation is a bit like an elastic band pinging on your skin.

You may feel a greater sensation if you have more pigmentation on your skin.  A patch test is carried out prior to any laser treatment.

What is the downtime with this treatment?

There is no downtime with the YAG or IPL. When having a skin resurfacing treatment your skin tends to look  pink afterwards but this settles quite quickly, usually within 24 hours.

The next day, your skin may feel a little rough (a bit like sandpaper) and there can be some swelling.   You will be provided with an aftercare pack to take away with you and the dryness usually settles within 4-5 days leaving the skin looking brighter but full results take 3 months to see.


What conditions are best treated with laser?

  •  Pigmentation

  • Skin Blemishes

  • Rosacea and Redness

  • Broken veins

  • Sun damage

  • Loose, crapey skin

Sharron Gordon